Palm oil.
How necessary is it?

Millennials rarely link social and sustainable themes to Nestlé. Low trust is often fuelled by negative headlines in the media. Nestlé wants to improve the brand perception and start building trust.


Nestlé Global
My Part
  • Concept tweak
  • Creative Direction
  • Motion Direction
  • Fitzgerald
  • Born05
  • Campaign site
  • Social campaign

Beneath the Surface.

An interactive campaign where we ask you to sit in the seat of Nestle’s CEO and decide on the sensitive sustainable topic of palm oil.

The right tone of voice.

The key to this success lies in the communication.
See it through the millennial’s perspective and ask the right questions.
Be self critical and transparent: admit if you didn’t meet your goal and explain how you’ll improve. 

Simplify a complex story.

The original concept consisted of a complex storyline with many unique  (video) deliverables. I simplified the flow and production with the following  construct:

01. Give context
02. Propose a dilemma
03. Share insights

Three daily dilemma’s.

We narrowed down our message into three daily dilemmas, all very recognisable for our audience.



Average session


Completed web experiences


People reached
Decide for yourself. To the dilemmas